An alliance between experts in animal care, technology, science and media has led to a whole new approach for improving earthquake risk forecasting. Starting with dogs, Animal Alerts records health data through smart pet collars. Using AI, the data is analyzed along with seismic activity of the region for potential indicators of earthquakes.

The Collar

Animal Alerts is powered by data from the PetPace 2.0 smart collar for dogs. Designed with the comfort of the pet in mind, the collar makes use of electrode-free non-invasive sensors. The collar collects and transmits data in near real-time to a centralized cloud-based dashboard. PetPace uses the most advanced AI algorithms to derive powerful insights about a pet's health and well-being. The highly sensitive technology makes it possible to tap into the full potential of pet health data.


GPSLocation tracking

ThermometersTemperature detection

Electrode-free sensorsDesigned for pet safety

6-D accelerometersActivity, calories, and posture calculation

Cloud StorageSecure data monitoring

Artificial intelligencePet health analytics

LTE and Wi-FiData transmission

Acoustic sensorsPulse and respiratory analysis

Pet Data

The datapoints were selected based on how well they indicate agitation or anxiety in dogs. Along with basic indicators such as heart rate and temperature, HRV or heart rate variability readings are taken as measures of fluctuation in pulse. The common thread in all scientific and anecdotal evidence that support the ability of dogs to sense pre-earthquake activity is the unusual behavior they display as a result. And so we also collect behavioral data such as activity and posture.

Pet Data

Geophysical Data

Along with the seismic data of the region, various geophysical factors are considered to account for pre-earthquake events. In order to rule out any events (other than earthquakes) that could provoke unusual behavior from the pets, moon illumination data and weather data are collected.


Scientific Approach

Animal Alerts makes way for a community-based platform that is backed by data. And with the use of high precision sensors, it is now easier to flag unusual animal behavior as a response to earthquakes of lower magnitudes. The pilot phase of the project focuses on the city of Lima in Peru. Lima is the most seismically active region in Peru which frequently faces earthquakes, making it a suitable location to collect data. A control system is designed to confirm the validity of the data gathered in Lima. The Animal Alerts dashboard collects pet data and seismic data. Shared anomalies among multiple dogs are analyzed based on the geophysical factors recorded at the time.


Broadcasting the Alerts

For effective earthquake warning, it’s crucial to reach people at scale, in time. To do so, Animal Alerts has secured media partnerships for the broadcasting of alerts through geo-targeted messages on digital billboards, web, mobile, and radio.


What´s Next

We are working on bringing Animal Alerts to more countries with high seismic activity around the world. Learn more about how you can get involved.
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